Esmée Fairbairn Foundation
We would like to say a special thank you to the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation for their continued vital support which has allowed WORLDbytes to keep going and provide free training to so many young people.

Jack Petchey Foundation
The Jack Petchey Foundation has provided support for many years through its Achievement Awards scheme. Each month a young person is nominated and voted for by our young crews to receive an award for outstanding work. The charity receives £250 and our award recipient choses how it’s spent to benefit all the young volunteer-learners we work with. Award winners receive a certificate and pin badge and are invited to a special ceremony to receive a medal. The foundation also provides a leaders award annually and a small grant to assist specific projects. Some of our award recipients feature in our Gallery here.

Ford Britain Trust
We are delighted the Ford Britain Trust supported our application for help to fund more camera equipment. They provided an equipment grant of £2925. This has allowed the charity to provide more top-end equipment for our young volunteer learners to train and shoot with. As one volunteer Bammy, told us “This experience has not only exposed me to a professional work environment and an actual film set, but getting to use the 4k cameras was pretty amazing too, as my college doesn’t have the budget to provide us with new film equipment.”
Foundational support for WORLDbytes

Trust for London
Trust for London were the first grant providers to help the charity set up its Citizen TV project and station WORLDbytes. Their committment to supporting hard to fund projects with a campaigning ethos, their belief in challenging policy, enhancing lesser heard voices and equality made their support invaluable. We hope to return to them for support in the future.

Bloomberg’s support for the charity allowed WORLDbytes to get going, for hundreds of young people to enjoy free film and TV training and develop new life skills. Their partnership not only provided urgently needed resources but a chance for our young volunteer learners to visit their HQ, film some of their philanthropic activities, experience their studios, learn from special workshops they laid on and gain exceptional volunteer assistance from their professional staff. Several of our volunteer-learners even gained paid internships. We hope to return to Bloomberg in the future and maintain such an extraordinarily engaged and engaging partnership.
Support for specific films and projects

Heritage Lottery Fund
The Heritage lottery Fund has provided crucial support for three of the films we have developed with volunteers in the last ten years. They supported work for the Sylvia Pankhurst film with young people, for our film on C.L.R. James and last year provided a grant of £10,000 towards the making of Women: a success story. Their support has also opened doors, allowing our volunteers to explore museum collections and enjoy workshops with archivists and historians. We hope to return to them with future history making projects.

Women’s Vote Centenary Grant Scheme
A small grant from the Women’s Vote Centenary Grant Scheme enabled the charity to run an extraordinary day of events on International Women’s Day, in 2018. These events celebrated the first women getting the vote and in particular campaigns led by East End heroine, suffragette and revolutionary, Sylvia Pankhurst.

Team London
Team London’s small grant provided young people, minorities and community groups with an exciting platform to voice their concerns on local and global issues and make an impact. Run by groups of volunteers, the ViewsBox portable inflatable video booth, was set up in public spaces in Hackney and across London.

Starbucks Youth Action
Starbucks Youth Action funding was used by a group of volunteers learning with the charity to tour the ViewsBox.

Zurich Foundation
Zurich’s small grant paid for the running costs, salaries and equipment of a pop-up ‘video booth’ that toured public sites and venues across London throughout 2016, providing a platform for those people who are under-represented in mainstream media, as well as developing new routes to progress young adult’s careers and prospects.

The Arsenal Foundation
Arsenal Foundation’s small grant enabled WORLDbytes to involve and train 60 young people to film at the Battle of Ideas, a prestigious annual cultural festival weekend at the Barbican, which makes a virtue of free-thinking and global discussion. In addition, the charity was able to provide training to 3 further groups of 20x 16-25’s to tour its pioneering pop-up Video Views Box.

The London Community Fund (Deutsche Bank)
Deutsche Bank provided a grant for the charity to provide free training with WORLDbytes to 16-18 year olds. This funding was administered by the London Community Fund.

Wellcome Trust
The Wellcome Trust grant funded a series of science programmes made by young volunteers and development of a science strand on WORLDbytes.

The Ironmongers' Company
The Ironmongers’ Company provide a grant to assist 60 young adults accessing training who could not afford to otherwise and the production of 6 programmes.

The AB Charitable Trust
The AB Charitable Trust funded the production of four programmes for the Open borders strand exploring the reasons migrants leave their home countries to seek a better life elsewhere and positive migrant stories.
Commissioning partners

Progress Educational Trust
The Progress Educational Trust (PET) have commissioned the charity to film their inspiring debates and panels, often providing a first paid camera and editing experience for a volunteer. Staff and volunteers alike have found working with PET and producing videos for them an amazing learning experience. We hope to continue to do justice to the vital work they do in the future.

British Pregnancy Advisory Service
The charity was delighted to win a commission from bpas to film their 50th anniversary conference and celebrations. It has since filmed and edited several training videos. The charity wholly supports the vital work of bpas. Their inspiring committment and campaigning for women’s autonomy and freedom has made the march towards complete equality for women possible. For our Citizen TV project, you couldn’t wish for a better opportunity.

Over the past few years, the charity has won exceptional commissions to film events and seminars for BESA the British Education Suppliers Association. This is the trade association for the UK’s world leading educational suppliers. Some of the videos, which were very well received now feature on the BESA website. The charity has also worked with BESA to film at the prestigious BETT British Educational Training and Technology Show. Some volunteers gained their first paid camera work as a result and some worked as runners at the BETT show with BESA and their Edtech start-ups area, a great experience for all involved.