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International Shop

Customers in Europe please click here

Welcome to the WORLDwrite shop, where you can buy all of our available DVDs instantly online via PayPal. You can add as many items as you like to your cart before proceeding with your order. Please note this page is for customers outside of Europe, where you will find you need an NTSC format DVD. These are far more expensive for us to produce and hence the price. If you have a PC or player that can play PAL DVD’s you need to order it here too. The PAL price reflects overseas postage costs. Many of our our major documentaries are also available to download worldwide from Vimeo on Demand.

Women: a success story

Women: a success story documents the great advances of the past 100 years and celebrates women as equals in the West today.

From across the generations, 40 women share their life stories, what they overcame and what’s changed. Interwoven with original archive footage, we learn of women in the cotton mills, life during the war, the 1984 miners’ strike, from outdoor loos, terry nappies and illegal abortions to pre-marital sex, freedom and making it in what was once a man’s world.

Running time: 1 hour 44 minutes. Watch the trailer

We do not have an NTSC version of the film. We recommend you download the film from Vimeo on Demand here.

PAL Price: $20

1917: Why the Russian Revolution matters (PAL UK & Europe only)

To mark the centenary of October 1917, this myth-busting documentary explains the significance of the Russian Revolution. Humanity’s greatest experiment in social change is brought to life through compelling interviews, incisive analysis and extraordinary archive. 1917: Why The Russian Revolution Matters explores the context, causes and consequences of ten days that shook the world and went on to define politics and international relations throughout the twentieth century.

Running time: 1 hours 16 minutes. Watch the trailer

We do not have an NTSC version of the film. We recommend you download the film from Vimeo on Demand here.

PAL Price: $20

Every Cook Can Govern: The life, impact & works of C.L.R. James

This feature-length documentary interweaves never-before-seen footage of C.L.R. James himself with personal contributions from those who knew him and astute historical and political analysis from leading scholars of his work. The result is an epic documentary which grapples with issues from colonialism to cricket, from slavery to Shakespeare, from Marxism to the movies and from reading to revolution.

Running time: 2 hours 1 minute. Watch the trailer

We have sold out of NTSC versions of the film. We can only produce more NTSC DVDs for a bulk order, please email us if this is of interest.

We recommend you download the film from Vimeo on Demand here.

PAL Price: $20

I’m a subsistence farmer… get me out of here!

As Westerners celebrate nature and the so-called simple life, many in the developing world yearn for the comforts of urban modernity. Shot in Ghana, the film is packed with hard-hitting truths which may disturb Western romantic notions of rural life. We learn that many would rather live in an urban shanty town than stay stuck in subsistence life in rural areas, which means mud huts and mind-numbing toil.

Running time: 27:45. Visit the website for more details.

NTSC Price: $20

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PAL Price: $15

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