Think BIG

Buy the DVD
(USA Only)

The DVD has the full version of the film; the short trailer merely gives you a glimpse of the real story. Why not buy the film, chew it over with your friends or even book a speaker and arrange a major screening and debate?

This DVD has proved to be an invaluable educational resource for schools, colleges and universities alike. Order it now and encourage serious debate.

Remember! Our other Pricking the Missionary Position series DVDs can also be bought online using the same PayPal shopping cart. Just visit the WORLDwrite shop and click the "Add to Cart" buttons that appear below the DVDs you want to purchase, then checkout once you're ready.

The price of the DVD (NTSC format) is $30 (plus $6 shipping)

The price of the DVD (PAL format) is $20 (plus $6 shipping)